2024 TeleJunctions

Cheap Conference Call

Welcome to the TeleJunctions web site, home of FreeBridge.

FreeBridge is a reservationless, cheap conference call service that offers crystal clear, digital quality and plenty of enhanced features as well, lending itself to a myriad of conferencing applications.

National and Regional Sales Managers who get paid a percentage of their company's net profit appreciate a cheap conference call solution. They realize that using Free Bridge can reduce SG&A costs, and subsequently increase their sales commissions. Free Bridge's cheap conference call solution isn't just appreciated by businesses for profit. In fact, Non-profit organizations with limited budgets are grateful users as well.

With a few key enhanced service features, Free Bridge goes beyond the cheap conference service one might expect from a free service, not only benefitting participants, but also organizers. TeleJunctions receives a very small percentage of income from the local exchange provider, so volume is important. To keep Free Bridge a truly cheap conference call experience, we encourage you to relate your positive experience using FreeBridge to friends and colleagues that you feel might benefit from a cheap conference call.

To find out more about this truly cheap conference call solution, please feel free to browse the site, or click on 'Get Started Now.'